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Happy Spring, friends! It’s been ridiculously warm here in Arkansas. Like, 80+ degrees these last two days and definitely a glimpse of what’s to come.
With the warm temps comes the excitement of another succulent garden season and Thom and I are readying our succulent space to move the old guys back outside. We have a few (ten? twelve?) new guys to move in, too. I thought I’d share the process. First up: How to prep pots for planting succulents.
New plants need new pots, right? But first, we need to get them ready. Here’s what we do:
How to Prep Pots for Planting Succulents
Drainage is the most important aspect of potted succulents. Their hardy leaves are built for retaining water so the moisture that seeps through the soil to the roots must drain completely to prevent the succy root from rot. The pots I’ve been picking out haven’t had any drainage holes in the bottom. Why are the pretty ones are always the most difficult?
It’s fairly easy to create adequate drainage.
You’ll need a carbide glass/ceramic drill bit. (affiliate link) The pots I tend to pick out are usually around the same size so a small drainage hole is adequate.
Optional: Place a piece of masking tape over the center of the pot bottom to prevent the drill from wandering when you start drilling.
I use this step if I’m drilling the pots myself. Thom skips it, as he is much more experienced and comfortable with his drill than I am.
Some pots are easier to drill than others. Just apply even pressure straight down but not so hard that you crack the bottom or shatter it. Thom would add to always wear safety glasses. We’re safety conscious around here.
So, that’s it! Prepping pots for planting succulents couldn’t be any easier. Thom shows us how easy it is in this quick video.
Like those cute Ikea pots? You can get them here (affiliate link).
No drainage holes irritate me! No matter how cute, I always pass those by. Thanks for the tip. I’m getting more comfortable with tools so I will remember this.
Right? Shouldn’t all plants have some drainage-why do t the makers just put them in? lol
How did you get so enamored of succulents?
I fell in love with how unique they are and how hard it is to kill them. I don’t have a great green thumb so I’m able to learn to be a gardener easily with succies.
Gina, Well, your blog is darling! Surely there’s an award for darling. My daughter works on a creative team with a florist, and she said succulents are huge this year! Great post! Ann
Aww, thanks! And, thanks for stopping by. This will be my second succulent season and I’m still in love with them.
One of my succulents is blooming which makes me happy. I love succulents too!
Yay for blooms! I just picked up two new success with blooms.
I am wanting to get some succulents, but haven’t taken the plunge yet. I have an out of control aloe plant that badly needs repotting before I pick up any others though!
They’re so much fun. Take the plunge! This is the first year we didn’t kill our aloes over the winter. The grow light has made all the difference.