On Facebook recently, my friend Julie asked for suggestions for a “summer vice.” Without realizing it at the time, I had begun the process of developing my own summer vice: succulents. Apparently, I do have a green thumb. And it’s name is Thom. Ha!
It’s true what they say. Succulents are addictive.
In researching care instructions I’m constantly finding new varieties and every time I stop at the W-store I have to run back to the garden section to see if they have anything new. I’ve stalked our local nurseries in search of fun new species to add to our collection. I’ve purchased pretty pots, multiple bags of cacti soil, and even become familiar with species and families of succs (as we in the biz call them-hahhaha).
Last weekend I even persuaded Thom to tag along with me on the hour-and-a-half trek to Little Rock to check out The Good Earth Garden Center. I was sure they’d have an amazing selection of succulents.
I was so wrong. Sadly, their succulent selection was measly. And way overpriced for our budget. They have a beautiful selection of flowers, plants, trees, and shrubs and their property is gorgeous and fun. The gift shop was lovely and I did pick up some terrarium tools along with a small Ming fern and a tropical terrarium plant.
Our trip did inspire a new hobby/craft idea: plaster and cement molds. Thom and I both loved the funny pots and the cement thumbs that were peppered throughout the garden center.
So this summer I am dedicating myself to learning more about succulents, growing my collection, and enjoying their loveliness. You can follow the adventure over on my Instagram page where I’m oversharing pics of “my babies” probably way too much.
Happy Summer, friends! What’s your Summer vice?
Sounds like a FUN hobby. Now that summer temperatures are here to stay, I’m planning lots more indoor activities, like scrapbooking!
It is fun! Except when the cat hops up and knocks them down. I may get a little emotional-hahhaa. Thanks for stopping by!