I know we’re a little further along than “midyear” but let’s just pretend this was published a month ago, m’kay?
Absolutely no one has asked, but I’m doing okay. (And that’s not completely true, my good friends have inquired).

I’ve just been…obsessed with other things….let me tell you about them…
Where in the World is Gina
To say I’ve been obsessed is an understatement. Is there a word for “more than obsessed?”
If you’ve been here for a while, you may remember my Month of Pumpkin posts in and around October. Well…I sort of built a website, Facebook page, and an Instagram account around that concept. I’m totally Pumpkin Obsessed.
I’m having an absolute GRAND time with all things pumpkin. Oh…there’s Pumpkin Obsessed on YouTube, too! Hahahahaha.

Hop (aka: Buddy, kittykitty, hey you) isn’t quite as thrilled with pumpkins as I am. Anything that takes the attention away from scratching his neck isn’t well received.
And, to round out what my pre-craft blogger style of blogging…what we’ve been having for dinner:

I’m obsessed with Budget Bytes lately. We made these Spinach White Bean Enchiladas with Pepper Jack sauce last week…and let me just say. The person behind that website is a genius. Seriously, three meals a week come from there.
Desperately Moving Forward
So, while I say that I’ve been “okay,” what I really mean is I’m struggling to figure out my place in this world. Per usual. I’ve been evaluating my goals, my strengths, weaknesses, my likes and dislikes.
I LOVE working at home. I do. But I miss working at the Maxx. So, you know what? I went back three days a week. I’m not sure how long that will last, or can last but I’ve found that I’m so much happier since then. I think I need that bit of time away to really feel like I’m making a difference and accomplishing something.
It’s taken me a bit of time to get over feeling embarrassed about wanting to go back to work. I do love having my own business and working with my clients…I just feel like I need something more.
And, crafting. I’m just not feeling it as much, you guys. I’m not feeling creative. I think I let this turn into a crafting blog because there was a bit of interest in it..in me…and I let that take over. Now, I have a craft room full of crafty crap that I just don’t want to do anything with and a bunch of stuff I don’t want.
Not that it wasn’t fun. It was! But, also? Pressure. Pressure to keep creating, keep racing, keep blogging and SEOing, and pinning, and and and. And, I don’t want to do that right now. So I may ease back into it but DIY and crafting will not be a focus for me in the near future.
It’s back to Desperately Seeking Gina. I hope you’ll stick around with me as I try to figure this thing out.