While I was piddling with my new found summer vice and wood burning my new terrarium tools I thought they’d make a great succulent garden gift. I gathered a few things I had around the craft room to share some inspiration.
Succulent garden gift
Supplies to gather for a Succulent Garden Gift:
- Small glass vessel (I used a cork covered jar from the Target Dollar Spot)
- Small plastic baggies with zip-lock tops
- Cacti soil
- Pea gravel
- Activated charcoal
- A tiny spray bottle for watering plant
- Terrarium tools (wood burning personalizes the gift and adds sentimental value)
- Terrarium plants (I’m using a tiny tropical plant here)
- Tag & String for gift giving (I had these wooden tags on hand and I wood burned them myself)
- Burlap sack (this Canvas Corp sack was in my Creative Crew stash and works perfectly)
Put it together:
- Fill zip-locked baggies with a small amount of each: cacti soil, charcoal, pea gravel
- Bundle items in burlap sack
- Include a handwritten note with instructions (follows)
- Tie up with string and wooden tag
- Layer into glass vessel: pea gravel, charcoal, dirt
- Using terrarium tools place plant into terrarium
- Cover roots with soil; general rule of {green} thumb: one inch of soil for every inch of root ball.
- Spritz with water
- Cover terrarium (if using a covered vessel)
- Enjoy!
If using a covered terrarium, moisture will most likely develop and watering will be needed infrequently. Keep terrarium out of direct sunlight or it may scorch the plant(s).
Here are the terrariums I put together for my craft room. It’s been a week since I planted them and I haven’t had to water the covered terrarium. I have taken off the cork top a few times to let in some fresh air. The open terrarium soil is pretty dry after seven days and I will spritz it today. I keep them in the window where it’s sunny in the morning and has indirect light after 10am. So far, so good!
Have you ever had a terrarium garden or given a kit as a gift? Tell me about it in the comments below or join in the conversation over on Facebook.
I LOVE succulents and have both given and received small pots of succulents in the past. A great gift idea
I’m a sucker for succulents! Such a fun idea for gifts.