I feel as though I’ve been absent from this space even though, technically, I’ve been tapping out posts more frequently than in recent years. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been focussing too much on trying to make a living crafting/blogging/social media-ing and not as much on logging the day-to-day adventure that blogging was for me in the beginning. Or, maybe life has too much of a struggle lately to record for posterity: I’ve been sick more than not all of 2016; the weather (cold and gray) has me in the dumps quite a bit (currently researching seasonal affective disorder and ways to climb from under it); my go-get-’em attitude that was so gung-ho at the beginning of January has weakened a considerable amount after some turned down pitches or unanswered emails.
There have been some joyful happenings, though. I’m working on some design team projects, playing with making videos (it takes SO much time and effort), and I’m enjoying short work days and more time at home. All happies in my book.
Debbie Arnold says
Hang in there! The sun'll come up tomorrow����������