Have you ever felt like your troubles are so much bigger than your physical person? I like for this to be my happy place and so I try not to share the bad stuff; the trials and tribulations are bigger than some but most often they so much smaller than I percieve them to be.
Sometime last year I was driving alone, on my way home from work, and suddenly the trouble-of-the-day came into perspesctive. For some reason my mind wandered above me. I could see myself from above, much like what I’ve heard from those who claimed to have died and floated out of their bodies. I watched myself driving down that two lane highway, and as my mind floated higher into the sky, my physical being grew smaller and smaller until my mind was somewhere in space and I was just a miniscule spec on this earth. My place on this earth came into perspective for me that day. And, so did my troubles.
Atrocities happen every day. Death happens every second of every single day. Famine, murders, sicknesses, and disease appear daily just as wealth, food, and shelter disappear. These terrible things that happen are so much bigger than my daily troubles.
The view I had that day? Rising above myself until I was almost nothing? It made me appreciate my place on this earth. For that, I am thankful.
I came across this beautifl shell of a barn one day. Some would see old wood leaning and ready to fall. I saw a frame still standing, beautiful and sturdy and I see myself in the barn; a sometimes empty shell but framed with such solidity that I just won’t fall.
I’m linking up with Arkansas Women Bloggers for Day 3 of the ThanksBlogging Challenge. I hope you’ll take a moment and read some really great posts by these amazing women.
Anonymous says
Your writing has been awesome lately. Maybe you should look into becoming a grant writer and get yourself a grant to spend more time writing 🙂
Lisa says
It is so difficult to find that "our place in this world" feeling, you've expressed it well. While my head knows that my life is easy even in the worst of times my heart has a hard time knowing it shouldn't be breaking.
PS- being in the mountains makes me feel like a tiny little spec too
Erin says
What a beautiful thought! I often consider how small I am in this world and compare it to how "big" I often want to be. Then again, no matter our size we ARE significant. Thanks for sharing!