There was a list of things I wanted and/or needed to accomplish today. Since I like to make this a positive space I’ll focus on the things I managed to complete:
1. Sleeping in. I awoke at 7 but managed to fall back asleep til 8:30 {ish}.
2. Coffee. I can’t get enough lately.
3. Dishes. Don’t judge…I left dinner dishes from last night.
4. Oven cleaned. For future reference DO NOT ever use the 5-10 minute warm oven method. Worst decision ever.
5. Lunch. Not made by me, but most definitely consumed by me.
6. Perusal of Amazon for reading material.
7. Purchase of found reading material: The Count of Monte Cristo & A Memoir of Grief
Notes: My reading of the Classics has begun. Also, Kim & I want to read a classic together, sor of book-club-like. Join us? Choosing one has proven difficult as she is much more well read than I. So we have each started other reading.
I’m 7 chapters into Monte Cristo and I’m loving it.
8. Dinner. Homemade pizza, a Saturday night stand by.
9. Finally, a blog post for NaBloPoMo, some tunes on low, a fiance who looks at me lovingly from across the room, and a pan of brownies calling out to me from the kitchen.
Cozy. Comfortable. Sweet. Saturday.