I know it might seem silly to be so excited over growing a little basil, but seriously friends-truth be told: I’m not much of a gardener, I’m a novice cook, and I have a big, big love for food. Basil gets me excited because it’s all ours. And, becomes of Thom’s attention to detail and constant container-garden-maintenence we have a bountiful crop this year.
Time to make the pesto. {It’s been on my must-make list for a couple of years}
It couldn’t be any easier: a few ingredients, some olive oil, a food processor, and we’re good to go.
I just watched Martha Stewart make green eggs and ham on her show this afternoon, and she used a pesto to add to the eggs and make them green….they looked amazingly delicious! Now you've got me wanting to try it out <3
Yay for home grown basil!! And for making less expensive pesto since you're not using dang pine nuts: good call!