Do you know how much I hate creepy crawlies? muchMUCH! I couldn’t resist taking some pics of this though. Thom found this bug outside the house. He found it dead. Dead but completely in tact. It’s so undisturbed it looks fake almost. I am not looking forward to finding more unusual bugs, animals, etc at our house, although I think it may be inevitable.
About Gina
She's just a crafty girl living in a glitter covered world. She's also a writer, crafter, and cupcake baker who's trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up; one glue stick at a time.
Anonymous says
what kind of bug is that!!! Kinda Creeping looking isn't it.
gina says
I have no clue what this is…I do know that it's yucky
Anonymous says
maybe you should show the bug people it maybe there's more and you don't know it yucky