I caught up on some much needed sleep last night/this morning and now I’m RRRRAAARRin‘ to to go.
On my list of stuff-to-do today:
Hit the library for Christmas Craft Ideas as I’m getting in full holiday mode and I wanna look at all the stuff I could make…but will, in reality, never get around to making…
Finally take a load of stuff to Goodwill
Visit Grandma. She called me at work the other day and said “oh..you are alive” I’ll have a glass of milk with that guilt..thanks Gram 🙂
Visit Auntie Betty in the hospital
Head out to the Parental Units for a visit and laundry duty…and a meal 🙂
Start reading Persuation by Jane Austen
Check my mail…the box is probably overflowing
Dust (yech)
So…what will I really be doing today? Probably hitting this instead: